Saturday, August 13, 2011

Portable Yagi / beam antenna for VHF / 2m HAM radio part 1of 2

Portable Yagi / beam antenna for VHF / 2m HAM radio part 1of 2 Part 1of 2 I found this video that shows the directional antenna in action and how it is. (This is what is necessary to concentrate the power of radio in one direction). In the video shows me in my backyard transmission 5w (146.835mhz) a repeater that is located about 40 miles away is at 6300 'above sea level. They are located approximately 1400 'above sea level and there are hills directly between the repeater and I would be so with a rubber duck are not able to have contact. Buy one of these impressivesuper-lightweight portable antennas on eBay for only $ 19.95! See the link below (eBay) for more information.

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