Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cobra HH 38 WX ST 4-Mile 40-Channel CB Radio

Cobra HH 38 WX ST 4-Mile 40-Channel CB Radio
Cobra HH 38 WX ST 4-Mile 40-Channel CB Radio

Cobra HH 38 WX ST 4-Mile 40-Channel CB Radio

CB radio conversation with the Challenger in Saint Louis, Missouri. Hello. My name is Dino, the Challenger CB radio. The radio station Challenger is ready to answer the call on channel 19 of the day or night. When in St. Louis, Missouri, because I did not call on channel 19 I would like to talk to ya and have a nice time with you on the radio. I hope to hear from you soon. 73 from me, my friends. Challenger is because I was on the radio. Cobra HH 38 WX ST 4-Mile 40-Channel CB Radio

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